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Intermediate Levels

Weaning off Treats
Behavioral Chains

You don’t want to have to carry chicken around for the rest of your life. The two quickest ways to wean your dog off treats has to do with Life Rewards and forming Behavioral Chains.


A Behavioral Chain is all about asking for more and more behaviors before rewarding. For example, a dog sits and is given a treat. Then it’s sit, down and treat. Then go to bed, sit, down and treat and so on. You can then combine behavioral chains with life rewards and treats are then rarely needed. For example: go to bed, sit, down, stay is then rewarded by taking your dog for a walk

INTER - Weaning

Life Rewards

Life Rewards are anything the dog wants or likes to do that isn’t related to food.

• Go outside

• Chase a ball

• Cross the street

Say hello to someone or some dog they know

• Be petted/scratched

• Jump on the bed with you

We simply ask our dogs for a behavior and then provide the Life Reward: Sit: Door opens and dog gets to go outside, dog Is allowed to jump on the bed, is allowed to say hello, etc.

INTER - Life Rewards

©2024 Paul Owens

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