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Dr. Drew Pinsky

Board-certified internist and radio and television personality

“Just a note to say how delighted my puppy Rex and I are with our recently completed dog training lessons. When Rex and I began communicating using Paul’s techniques it was like getting a brand new dog. Paul Owens knows his stuff and seamlessly presented the science of dog training with an infectious enthusiasm rooted in compassion, kindness and an obvious love of his art. My puppy Rex thanks you, I thank you.”


Jeff Probst

Host of TV's Survivor

“Paul Owens is hands-down the best dog trainer I’ve ever worked with!”


Jack Canfield

Founder and CEO, Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc.

“A truly enlightened approach to raising and training your dog.”


Dr. Michael W. Fox

Senior Scholar, Bioethics, The Humane Society of the United States, Washington, DC

“Owens’ nonviolent process will help prevent dogs from developing various behavioral and psychological problems, which can be difficult to treat later in life.”


Terry Cranendonk

Dog Trainer

“It was Paul’s patience, humor and compassion that enticed me into the world of dog training. His philosophy and approach are the foundation that supports my teaching. It’s a philosophy that all dogs are living, breathing individuals no less worthy of respect and kindness than family and friends…because that is what they are.”

Terry is the co-author of The Puppy Whisperer with Paul Owens.


Carolann DiPirro

Dog Trainer

“Training with Paul Owens was a revelation. Paul was clear, consistent, and supportive as a teacher, using the same positive reinforcements with me that we used with the dogs. I was amazed how he made the complexities of psychology so easy to understand and how they could yield such immediate results. Because of his patience, encouragement and sense of humor, I confidently and joyfully continue to convey the message of kindness to my clients that he taught to me.”

Carolann DiPirro is a graduate of Paul’s Teacher Training Program.


Jenina Schutter

Dog Trainer

“Having attended Paul Owens’ Raise with Praise, teacher-training program was one of the most enlightening experiences in my career. Not only has he improved my skills, he gave me the confidence I needed to run my own business. I consider myself very fortunate to have studied with someone with such expertise and who uses such humane methods with both dogs and people. It has been, and remains, an honor working with him.”

Jenina Schutter is a graduate of Paul’s Teacher Training Program and runs Smart Paws Dog Training in Los Angeles, CA.


Brian Forsgren, DVM

Owner and Founder of Gateway Animal Clinic

“In the name of countless animals, thank you for your vision and optimism.”

Mary Rizzolo.jpg

Mary Rizzolo, DVM

Thomasville, NC

“A wonderful program for dogs and humans alike. I recommend it without reservation!”

Dog Running in Water

Nancy Disbro, DVM

“Paul’s teaching methods adapt to working with schools, veterinarians, pet owners, and animals, creating order out of seemingly uncontrollable situations.”


Nicole Stewart, CPDT-KA

Dog Trainer

“While Paul’s program educated me in the world of positive dog training and created abilities in me to form my own thriving company, he also somehow snuck in lessons about patience, perseverance and the ability to empower others with the skill. I am not only a better dog trainer because of his program, I am also a better dog owner, wife, and soon to be mother. His positive method spreads beyond his work with dogs to his life and the people around him. He is a man who practices what he preaches and anyone participating in his program will learn about themselves as much as they learn about positive dog training.”

Nicole Stewart is a graduate of Paul’s Teacher Training Program and is the Director of Training at AnimalSense.


Dorna Sakurai

Dog Trainer

“Paul’s patience and encouragement was very motivating. His message of compassion and empathy resonated equally to both his two-legged and four-legged students. I witnessed amazing results in his group classes, seeing rowdy puppies settle down by the second week. I feel incredibly fortunate to have trained with Paul and having the opportunity to observe first-hand his mastery at communicating with both people and animals. Paul’s teachings have left an indelible mark on my worldview, my own training methods and empathy towards others.”

Dorna Sakurai is a graduate of Paul’s Teacher Training Program and runs Pawsitive Feedback Training.


Mark Tipton

Dog Trainer

“Going through Paul’s Teacher Training program was a remarkable experience. I thought I was a good trainer when I met Paul, but he taught me how to become a great trainer. His teaching applies to training dogs but also in the way you interact with people. I can’t say enough about how he helped me build my confidence and knowledge-base. I will always be grateful to Paul for giving me the opportunity to train under him. Thank you!!!”

Mark Tipton is a graduate of Paul’s Teacher Training Program. His website is


Dan Polo

Dog Trainer and owner of Polo K-9

“I have been training dogs for years, but of course I was trained in compulsion methods first. When I took my K-9 instructor course I was introduced to baiting techniques and later on I found about your way. I love your work. I will always be glad Dr. Ian Dunbar mentioned your dog training methods in one of his seminars. Out of curiosity, I got your dog training books and DVD’s and they are the first thing I suggest pet owners read and watch before they get a dog.”


Arlene Moody

Trainer, The German Shepherd Dog Training Club of Chicago, Inc.

“I teach puppy and CGC classes at my local German Shepherd Obedience Club and your methods of training are part of my foundation. Thank you so much for being the “Original” Dog Whisperer.”


APDT Chronicle of the Dog

Book review for “The Puppy Whisperer” – Nov/Dec 2008 issue

“This is basically a “perfect book”….with this knowledge there should be many more well-adjusted canine companions and far fewer dogs being relinquished to shelters. This book is an admirable accomplishment.”


The Whole Dog Journal

Book review, July 2000

“Paul’s bestselling dog training book, The Dog Whisperer: A Compassionate, Nonviolent Approach to Dog Training, deserves a place of honor on the shelf of every positive dog owner and trainer.”

Book Fan

“Thank you so much. Both your dog training books saved me and I have so many little tabs and bent corners in each of them. I carried it (The Dog Whisperer) close and still refer to it often!”



“You are a wealth of information! I am going to look up V.2 of your Dog Whisperer DVD right after I finish this email. I have to say too, how much I respect your methods of dog training. My husband and I are dedicated to stepping up the dog training (separate and together) through positive reinforcement. Thanks again for all your help!”


Catherine Denreyer
Book and DVD Fan

“I will never forget your advice and all the knowledge from your dog training DVDs and books.”


Linnea Wexler
Book Fan

“I just wanted to send you a line of thanks for your phenomenal book, The Puppy Whisperer. I live in Florence, Italy, and while I was waiting for our newly born English cocker spaniel puppy to grow old enough to come home with us, I ordered six puppy training books and had them shipped here from the states. I am very happy to tell you that The Puppy Whisperer is my favorite of the bunch. I remain incredibly impressed by your attitudes and positive approaches to puppy training, and I’m even happier to tell you that their combination has helped me and my little puppy in so many ways.”


3rd Grade Student

“Nonviolence means not to be mean or disrespectful to anything like dogs or people. It also means to be nice and kind, like telling (complimenting) my sister when she does something good.”


4th Grade Student

“We learned to not make dogs do what they can’t do. Nonviolence means to help others when they need help.”


5th Grade Student

“I used my breathing last night when I was scared and it helped calm me down.”


5th Grade Student

“I really liked this program because I love dogs and I’m happy I helped save (Rusty’s) his life.”

Colleen Whooley
Jepson, Wisconsin

“I recently checked you book out from our library. WOW! Well done! As a teacher, I SOOO appreciate your non-violent approach. We just got an airedale puppy (almost 12 weeks old)…he can sit, lay, stay and come. He also can walk without pulling on a leash. ALL techniques were from your book. THANK YOU! You should be proud of your real title THE DOG WHISPERER! GREAT READING! I’m hoping to view your DVDs as well! Thanks!”


Ellen Walsh
3rd Grade Teacher

“I feel the students walked away with the knowledge of dealing with stress and how to handle situations without violence. I liked the interaction and involvement with the students.”


Sally Falkman
4th Grade Teacher

“It really brought into focus the importance of nonviolence.”


Joan Bania
5th Grade Teacher

“I liked the fact students were taught ‘nonviolence works.’ The material was very accessible. This was an excellent program.”


Former Student

Dear Paul, About six years ago you helped me with my dog, Amiee. I had one of your books and DVDs then. We spoke by phone at that time and I practiced your suggestions with much success with Amiee. Unfortunately I never was able to overcome her strong hunting and tracking instincts, so I have come to know that we must remain tethered together most all of the time. Especially in the woods. Fortunately she has a secure yard here to run and many friends come to visit.
I hadn’t been back to your website for quite some time and just looked at it again today. It is fantastic. Well done. I have been watching your Freebie videos clips. I love them, how generous of you to share so much needed information in such an easy format.

I teach yoga and your incorporation of some of the things you discovered from your experiences in India and yoga into working with the dogs is exactly what we need. Your focus on the breath is wonderful on so many levels. And your interaction with the dogs is joyful with wonderful energy.

Just wanted to thank you not only for all the new information on your website, but also for your advice and suggestions when we spoke. I always share your book with new dog people, in hopes that they will take the time to consider things from the dog’s perspective. Now it will be even easier to send the link to your site.
Here is a recent photo of Amiee. Warm wishes and many thanks!”

Former Student

Hi Paul: I cannot tell you enough how much Steve and I got out of our dog training session with you yesterday (oh yes, and how much Toby and Sammy got out of it too!:)). Thank you, thank you, thank you! Instead of constantly worrying about preventing disasters, I am actively promoting good dog behavior. I took Toby to the Laurel Canyon enclosed dog park late yesterday afternoon so that he could run and run and run. And it is true, other dogs are the $10,000 reward!! When I brought him home, we had our biggest test yet. Steve was taking out the garbage via the front door and working on keeping Toby in a down stay. It’s funny, I knew what was going to happen but rather than step in on Steve’s training, I let it happen. Toby ran out the front door and gleefully into Runyon Canyon. Phew—I ran after him — up and down hills, knowing that he would glom on to the nearest dog pack. Sure enough, I first spotted him with three other dogs, treeing a squirrel (another $10,000!!) and then I saw him run with another golden. Fortunately, the park is filled with people who are quick to respond and help. Two guys who could run faster than me caught up with him and played with him until I could get there with the leash.

Immediately, when I leashed Toby, I turned it into a positive behavior dog training opportunity — I did some down stays and comes and walking gently on the leash. Then, I found when I got home, instead of being angry with Steve and with Toby, I had turned the whole thing into a relaxing positive experience. Steve and Toby both noticed the change. And Steve and Toby both learned from the experience. Last night I fed the dogs together — successfully! I had Sammy on a short tether and when she finished her meal (which takes her all of two minutes) I put her in a down stay and rewarded her for that. She even stayed in the down position when I released her leash and picked up Toby’s bowl. Same thing this morning. Success! I also make sure that I have lots of time for feeding and crating so nothing is rushed. When I left this morning, Steve was still there so I put Toby in a down stay so that I could go out the front door without him panicking. Took about three tries and then he did a perfect down stay and I quietly went out the front door. No more drama and trauma. Thank you, Dr. Owens!!!! 
I really must take your teacher dog training sometime. I feel like I understand dogs’ communication and I love reading their expressions!”

Drew and Django
Former Students

“Thank you for giving me the confidence to be able to communicate effectively with my dog Django. Having never had a dog before, I had a lot to learn and you made it both easy and fun for both of us.”

Former Student

“Thank you Paul for making such a difference in our lives! You truly are amazing and I feel blessed knowing you and learning from you! Duke feels the same way! :)”


Donna and Stinker
Former Students

“Hi Paul, Thank you so much for the awesome training session this morning! I am amazed and so very pleased that the techniques you shared with us are do-able. Thanks for instilling a new sense of hope for a happy future for my little guy and I. You are so funny! The laughter was an added bonus and helped ease a stress filled situation. You are awesome!”


J.B. Sloanm
Youth Programs Coordinator, Hathaway Family Resource Center of Los Angeles

I am writing to you in regards to the Raise with Praise program that you brought to us over the summer of 1999. First of all I want to thank you for providing such a fantastic opportunity for the children of Northeast Los Angeles. The group of young boys and girls that learned non-violent methods of obedience training for dogs benefited in many ways. The students learned valuable safety techniques when dealing with stray dogs. They also learned about animal care in general and in particular how to care for and love a dog. The relationships that each child developed with the dogs that otherwise may have been put to death showed that children could learn compassion from role models. A significant aspect of the Raise with Praise program was that each child was taught a method of working with an animal that focused on valuing the animal as a being, and not hurting the animal into submission. Hopefully this mentality and these same techniques could transfer over into their peer interaction as effective conflict resolution skills.

I could say a great deal about the program’s overall effectiveness in the way it is planned and brought together. Paul Owens, the assistants that he worked with, and the special guest speakers he brought in were well organized and very professional. Their commitment to the animals and the children was evident. However, the most significant effect of the program was the pride that each child had during the graduation ceremony when they had the opportunity to display their skills before community members and their own parents. We at Hathaway Family Resource Center would love to have the opportunity to bring the Raise with Praise program back to work with another group of children here in Northeast Los Angeles.”


Susan Lytle
Former Student

“Paul, I consider you to be one of the icons of non-force training in the last twenty years. However compared to the other big names in the field, you are highly under-recognized for your wonderful approach, and your intuitive insights into both dog (and human) behavior. You are a kind, joyful person, which speaks most profoundly to dogs in-training, and their people! You taught us how to make positive training part of the healthy lifestyle we share with our dogs, and that it can be a fun, and a fascinating experience! What can be more applauded than that!!! Kudos to you, Paul Owens, and may more people notice your fine, fine work!!”


Carolina Goodman
Principal, The Country School of North Hollywood

This is to describe our delight with Paul Owens and his Raise with Praise program (Paws for Peace). The students received instruction from a knowledgeable and loving expert. Paul provided valuable information, as well as modeled appropriate techniques. He made sure the dogs were safe and always came prepared with curriculum and materials. Paul was wonderful with the children, demonstrating patience and a talent for communication.

We greatly support Paul’s “clicker” approach to training animals, as opposed to the “choke chain” method. It is our belief that learning to work with animals in nonviolent ways transfers to the development of healthy relationships with humans.
It is my pleasure to recommend this program.

John & Nedra Pedersen
Former Students

“Hi Paul: I was just thinking about you the other day when Freckles gave me a long loving look. Many moons ago (12 years to be exact), you helped me with our basset Freckles… the little dog with the big bark.

Thank the lord she is still with us. Freckles has been the joy of our family and helped us raise our kids. As she gets older, every day with her seems so special. She teaches me that every day with everyone I know is also special. We should not waste a single moment of our lives because every moment is a gift.

I am writing to thank you for your help and wisdom in learning how to relate to life in a kinder way. I feel so lucky to have met you, read your book and learned your ways. Bless you Paul, for your loving teaching of life.”

©2024 Paul Owens

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